We are Shree Sivabalaaji Steels Pvt. Ltd.
Shree Siva Balaaji SteelsShree Siva Balaaji SteelsShree Siva Balaaji Steels
6384063840 | 8489923389
No.18B, Natham Road, Opp.to HP Petrol Pump, Dindigul - 624003

MS Pipes

We, at 3S Groups, proudly hold the authorization as distributors of APL Apollo pipes. Our specialization lies in the distribution of MS pipes specifically designed for the roofing segment. With a remarkable monthly volume of 200 tons, we ensure a steady supply of high-quality MS pipes. Our dealer network spans across Southern Tamil Nadu, catering to the diverse needs of our valued customers in the region.

With a remarkable range of square and rectangular black hollow section tubes offered by APL Apollo, a highly esteemed manufacturer of structural steel tubes in India. Apollo Build serves as an exceptional building material for a wide array of residential, commercial, and infrastructure constructions. Crafted from premium mild steel, these structural steel tubes are meticulously manufactured in APL Apollo’s cutting-edge facilities, ensuring unparalleled quality and precision.

Discover top-quality MS hollow pipes and structural pipes in Dindigul, Tamil Nadu. Our extensive range includes MS hollow pipes, round pipes, and MS square pipes, all designed to meet the diverse needs of construction and industrial applications.

At our Dindigul facility, we produce MS pipes that are renowned for their strength, durability, and reliability. Whether you’re in Tamil Nadu or Madurai, our MS pipes are readily available to cater to your specific requirements. We offer competitive MS pipe prices without compromising on quality. From structural projects to general plumbing needs, our MS pipes are trusted by professionals across the region. Explore our range today and experience the excellence of MS pipes from Dindigul.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)